Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 5

    Yesterday, I was preparing for the next battle with Devastator I reinforced my weapons with some dragon bones outside of the village that some children showed me. After traveling several miles with my crew, we saw a  pile of desert sand as big as a house. A little ways after we passed it Hawk, our sharp eyed scout, realized that the pile of desert sand was gone so he came up to me and told me the news. Afterwords we warned everyone to keep a sharp lookout for anything out of the ordinary. As the sun began to set we stared hearing noises in the sand like something was following us. As day turned to night and we began to set up camp the noises got louder and louder so we stayed up for a little while longer. When we were about to go to sleep in our tents a giant black desert sand scorpion appeared it jumped high up into the air and almost crushing us by slamming its body into the ground and destroying our camp site. We scattered to grab our weapons but when we were ready to battle all that was left was a big hole in the middle of our camp site, we were separated from each other so very carefully we tried to get the group back together, we were successful but the desert scorpion could appear anywhere at anytime so we had to be extra cautious in order to stay alive we stayed there till the sun came up.